Please join us for the Annual General Meeting of the Queensland Pipe Band Association, followed by the Pipe Bands Australia - Queensland Branch Council Meeting.
All band representatives are encouraged to attend. Band secretaries please ensure that your delegates receive a copy of this notice. You can appoint or change delegates for the meeting by email.
This meeting will be held on Microsoft Teams to encourage participation from all bands in Queensland:
Meeting ID: 498 173 314 148
Passcode: 7SqTWk
Agenda - AGM
1. Attendance & Apologies;
2. Proxy votes (form attached);
3. Minutes of 2024 Annual General Meeting (attached);
4. Correspondence relating to the Annual General Meeting;
5. Annual Report(s) and business arising;
6. Annual Statement of Accounts for the year ending 30 June 2024 and business arising;
7. Election of Officers for 2025; and
8. Any other business relevant to the Annual General Meeting as permitted by the Chairman.
Positions to be filled are as follows:
2 x Vice-Chairmen
Education Officer
Publicity Officer
The nomination form is attached and any nominations will need to be returned to the secretary by 2 January 2025.
Apologies, nominations, proxy votes or enquiries should be emailed to: